path: root/motus/lib/validity.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'motus/lib/validity.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/motus/lib/validity.ml b/motus/lib/validity.ml
index 0fdc40c..3964e0b 100644
--- a/motus/lib/validity.ml
+++ b/motus/lib/validity.ml
@@ -57,32 +57,6 @@ let sequence : int -> t array Seq.t =
-module CharSet = Set.Make (Char)
-let compare_words : string -> ref:string * CharSet.t -> t array option =
- fun w1 ~ref ->
- let wordRef = fst ref in
- let l1 = String.length w1 in
- if l1 <> String.length wordRef
- then None
- else
- let result =
- Array.init l1 ~f:(fun i ->
- let c1 = String.get w1 i
- and c2 = String.get wordRef i in
- let state =
- if Char.equal c1 c2
- then Wellplaced
- else if CharSet.mem c2 (snd ref)
- then Misplaced
- else Missing
- in
- state )
- in
- Some result
let to_criteria : char -> int -> t -> Criteria.t list -> Criteria.t list =
fun c i t acc ->
match t with