path: root/evaluator.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2017-06-19 08:31:23 +0200
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2017-06-19 10:16:01 +0200
commite15df3a924abed6135477bac0837a7fde250f02d (patch)
tree5f8e59c2aeadefa73e1c4faf9306937f91b5371a /evaluator.ml
parent8db278b1e6331d55ef6aa11964c88144af3c4fce (diff)
Moved catalog in its own module
Diffstat (limited to 'evaluator.ml')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/evaluator.ml b/evaluator.ml
index 26541c7..4bbf780 100755
--- a/evaluator.ml
+++ b/evaluator.ml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module D = DataType
module T = Tools
-exception RegisteredFunction
+module Data = struct
(** Data format *)
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ type _ typ =
| String: UTF8.t typ
| List: 'a typ -> 'a list typ
-let t_bool= Bool
-let t_int = Num
-let t_string = String
-let t_list t = List t
let typ_of_format:
type a. a dataFormat -> a typ =
@@ -86,12 +81,6 @@ type _ result =
| String: UTF8.t result (* String result, there is only one representation *)
| Bool: D.Bool.t result (* Boolean result *)
-let f_num = Numeric
-let f_date = Date
-let f_number = Number
-let f_string = String
-let f_bool = Bool
let specialize_result: type a. a result -> a dataFormat -> a result =
begin fun a b -> match a, b with
| Date, _ -> Date
@@ -158,233 +147,126 @@ let format_of_value: type a. a value -> a dataFormat = function
| List (t, l) -> raise Errors.TypeError
| List2 (t, l) -> raise Errors.TypeError
-type existencialResult =
- | Result : 'a value -> existencialResult
-(** Catalog for all functions *)
-module C = struct
- (** This is the way the function is store in the map.
- We just the return type, and the function itself.
- For Fn1 and T1 constructors, we need to add extra information in the
- GADT signature in order to help the compiler: 'a could be any ('a * 'b),
- ('a * 'b * 'c) and so on…
- Instead of returning a signature with type 'a t_function, we have to
- force it as 'a typ t_function.
- *)
- type _ t_function =
- | Fn1: 'b result * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a typ t_function
- | Fn2: 'c result * ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a * 'b) t_function
- | Fn3: 'd result * ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t_function
- (** This is the key for storing functions in the map.
- *)
- type _ sig_typ =
- | T1: 'a typ -> 'a typ t_function sig_typ
- | T2: 'a typ * 'b typ -> ('a * 'b) t_function sig_typ
- | T3: 'a typ * 'b typ * 'c typ -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t_function sig_typ
- let print_sig_typ: type a. Format.formatter -> a sig_typ -> unit = begin fun printer typ ->
- match typ with
- | T1 a -> Format.fprintf printer "(%a)"
- print_typ a
- | T2 (a, b) -> Format.fprintf printer "(%a, %a)"
- print_typ a
- print_typ b
- | T3 (a, b, c) -> Format.fprintf printer "(%a, %a, %a)"
- print_typ a
- print_typ b
- print_typ c
- end
- module ComparableSignature = struct
- type 'a t = 'a sig_typ
- (** Compare two signature *)
- let eq: type a b. a sig_typ -> b sig_typ -> (a, b) T.cmp = begin fun a b ->
- match a, b with
- | T1(a), T1(b) ->
- begin match compare_typ a b with
- | T.Lt -> T.Lt
- | T.Gt -> T.Gt
- | T.Eq -> T.Eq
- end
- | T2(a, b), T2(c, d) ->
- begin match (compare_typ a c) with
- | T.Lt -> T.Lt
- | T.Gt -> T.Gt
- | T.Eq ->
- begin match (compare_typ b d) with
- | T.Lt -> T.Lt
- | T.Gt -> T.Gt
- | T.Eq -> T.Eq
- end
- end
- | T3(a, b, c), T3(d, e, f) ->
- begin match (compare_typ a d) with
- | T.Lt -> T.Lt
- | T.Gt -> T.Gt
- | T.Eq ->
- begin match (compare_typ b e) with
- | T.Lt -> T.Lt
- | T.Gt -> T.Gt
- | T.Eq ->
- begin match (compare_typ c f) with
- | T.Lt -> T.Lt
- | T.Gt -> T.Gt
- | T.Eq -> T.Eq
- end
- end
- end
- | x, y -> if (T.Ex x) > (T.Ex y) then T.Gt else T.Lt
- end
- end
- module Catalog = Map.Make(String)
- module Functions = Tools.Map(ComparableSignature)
- (* This is the map which contains all the registered functions.
- Each name is binded with another map with contains the function for each
- signature.
- *)
- let (catalog:Functions.t Catalog.t ref) = ref Catalog.empty
- (**
- Register a function in the catalog. If the function is already defined,
- raise an exception.
- *)
- let register name signature f = begin
- let name' = String.uppercase_ascii name in
- let map = begin match Catalog.find name' !catalog with
- | exception Not_found ->
- Functions.singleton signature f
- | x ->
- (* We prevent any update to already registered function *)
- if (Functions.mem signature x) then
- raise RegisteredFunction
- else
- Functions.add signature f x
- end in
- catalog := Catalog.add name' map !catalog
- end
- let inject:
- type a. a result -> (unit -> a dataFormat) -> a -> existencialResult =
- fun resultFormat f res ->
- let (x:a value) = begin match resultFormat, res with
+ let inject':
+ type a. a result -> (unit -> a dataFormat) -> a -> a value =
+ fun resultFormat f res -> begin match resultFormat, res with
| Bool, x -> Bool x
| Numeric, x -> Num (f (), x)
| Date, x -> Num(Date, x)
| Number, x -> Num(Number, x)
| String, s -> String s
- end in
- Result x
- (** Look in the catalog for a function with the given name and signature *)
- let find_function:
- type a. string -> a t_function sig_typ -> a t_function =
- begin fun name signature ->
- Catalog.find (String.uppercase_ascii name) !catalog
- |> Functions.find signature
- end
+ end
+let compare_format: type a b. a typ -> a result -> b value -> a result = begin
+fun init_typ currentResult value ->
+(* If the argument as the same type as the result format, just the most specialized *)
+match compare_typ init_typ (type_of_value value) with
+ | T.Eq -> begin match value with
+ | Bool b -> Bool
+ | String s -> String
+ | Num (f, v) -> specialize_result currentResult f
+ (* There is no possibility to get init_typ as List typ*)
+ | List (f, v) -> raise Errors.TypeError
+ | List2 (f, v) -> raise Errors.TypeError
+ end
+ (* The types differ, handle the special cases for Lists *)
+ | _ ->
+ begin match value with
+ | List (f, v) ->
+ begin match compare_typ init_typ (typ_of_format f) with
+ | T.Eq -> specialize_result currentResult f
+ | _ -> currentResult
+ end
+ | List2 (f, v) ->
+ begin match compare_typ init_typ (typ_of_format f) with
+ | T.Eq -> specialize_result currentResult f
+ | _ -> currentResult
+ end
+ | _ -> currentResult
+ end
+module C = Catalog.Make(Data)
+let (catalog:C.t ref) = ref C.empty
+type existencialResult =
+ | Result : 'a Data.value -> existencialResult
(** Guess the format to use for the result function from the arguments given.
The most specialized format take over the others.
let guess_format_result:
-type a. a result -> existencialResult list -> unit -> a dataFormat =
+type a. a Data.result -> existencialResult list -> unit -> a Data.dataFormat =
begin fun init_value values () ->
- let init_typ = typ_of_result init_value in
+ let init_typ:a Data.typ = Data.typ_of_result init_value in
(* fold over the arguments, and check if they have the same format *)
- let compare_format (currentResult: a result) (Result value): a result =
- (* If the argument as the same type as the result format, just the most specialized *)
- match compare_typ init_typ (type_of_value value) with
- | T.Eq -> begin match value with
- | Bool b -> Bool
- | String s -> String
- | Num (f, v) -> specialize_result currentResult f
- (* There is no possibility to get init_typ as List typ*)
- | List (f, v) -> raise Errors.TypeError
- | List2 (f, v) -> raise Errors.TypeError
- end
- (* The types differ, handle the special cases for Lists *)
- | _ ->
- begin match value with
- | List (f, v) ->
- begin match compare_typ init_typ (typ_of_format f) with
- | T.Eq -> specialize_result currentResult f
- | _ -> currentResult
- end
- | List2 (f, v) ->
- begin match compare_typ init_typ (typ_of_format f) with
- | T.Eq -> specialize_result currentResult f
- | _ -> currentResult
- end
- | _ -> currentResult
- end in
+ let compare_format: a Data.result -> existencialResult -> a Data.result =
+ fun currentResult (Result value) ->
+ Data.compare_format init_typ currentResult value in
begin match List.fold_left compare_format init_value values with
- | String -> String
- | Bool -> Bool
- | Number -> Number
- | Date -> Date
- | Numeric -> Number
+ | Data.String -> Data.String
+ | Data.Bool -> Data.Bool
+ | Data.Number -> Data.Number
+ | Data.Date -> Data.Date
+ | Data.Numeric -> Data.Number
+let inject:
+type a. a Data.result -> (unit -> a Data.dataFormat) -> a -> existencialResult =
+fun resultFormat f res ->
+ let (x:a Data.value) = Data.inject' resultFormat f res in
+ Result x
let register0 name returnType f =
- C.register name (C.T1(Unit)) (C.Fn1 (returnType, f))
+ catalog := C.register !catalog name (C.T1(Data.Unit)) (C.Fn1 (returnType, f))
let register1 name typ1 returnType f =
- C.register name (C.T1(typ1)) (C.Fn1 (returnType, f))
+ catalog := C.register !catalog name (C.T1(typ1)) (C.Fn1 (returnType, f))
let register2 name (typ1, typ2) result f =
- C.register name (C.T2(typ1, typ2)) (C.Fn2 (result, f))
+ catalog := C.register !catalog name (C.T2(typ1, typ2)) (C.Fn2 (result, f))
let register3 name (typ1, typ2, typ3) result f =
- C.register name (C.T3(typ1, typ2, typ3)) (C.Fn3 (result, f))
+ catalog := C.register !catalog name (C.T3(typ1, typ2, typ3)) (C.Fn3 (result, f))
let call name args = begin
let name' = UTF8.to_utf8string name in
begin try match args with
| [] ->
- let C.Fn1(ret, f) = C.find_function name' (C.T1 Unit) in
- C.inject ret (fun () -> raise Errors.TypeError) (f ())
+ let C.Fn1(ret, f) = C.find_function !catalog name' (C.T1 Data.Unit) in
+ inject ret (fun () -> raise Errors.TypeError) (f ())
| (Result p1)::[] ->
let C.Fn1(ret, f) =
- C.find_function name' (C.T1 (type_of_value p1)) in
- C.inject ret (guess_format_result ret args) (f (get_value_content p1))
+ C.find_function !catalog name' (C.T1 (Data.type_of_value p1)) in
+ inject ret (guess_format_result ret args) (f (Data.get_value_content p1))
| (Result p1)::(Result p2)::[] ->
let C.Fn2(ret, f) =
- C.find_function name' (C.T2 (type_of_value p1, type_of_value p2)) in
- C.inject ret (guess_format_result ret args) (f (get_value_content p1) (get_value_content p2))
+ C.find_function !catalog name' (C.T2 (Data.type_of_value p1, Data.type_of_value p2)) in
+ inject ret (guess_format_result ret args) (f (Data.get_value_content p1) (Data.get_value_content p2))
| (Result p1)::(Result p2)::(Result p3)::[] ->
let C.Fn3(ret, f) =
- C.find_function name' (C.T3 (type_of_value p1, type_of_value p2, type_of_value p3)) in
- C.inject ret (guess_format_result ret args) (f (get_value_content p1) (get_value_content p2) (get_value_content p3))
+ C.find_function !catalog name' (C.T3 (Data.type_of_value p1, Data.type_of_value p2, Data.type_of_value p3)) in
+ inject ret (guess_format_result ret args) (f (Data.get_value_content p1) (Data.get_value_content p2) (Data.get_value_content p3))
| _ -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
let signature = List.map (fun (Result x) ->
let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
- print_typ formatter (type_of_value x);
+ Data.print_typ formatter (Data.type_of_value x);
Format.flush_str_formatter ()) args in
raise (Errors.Undefined (name, signature))
@@ -397,49 +279,49 @@ let repr mapper value = begin
If the value is Undefined, raise an exception.
let extract_value = begin function
- | ScTypes.Num (n,s) -> Result (Num (Number, (D.Num.of_num n)))
- | ScTypes.Bool b -> Result (Bool b)
- | ScTypes.Date d -> Result (Num (Date, (D.Num.of_num d)))
- | ScTypes.Str s -> Result (String s)
+ | ScTypes.Num (n,s) -> Result (Data.Num (Data.Number, (D.Num.of_num n)))
+ | ScTypes.Bool b -> Result (Data.Bool b)
+ | ScTypes.Date d -> Result (Data.Num (Data.Date, (D.Num.of_num d)))
+ | ScTypes.Str s -> Result (Data.String s)
end in
- let add_elem: type a. a typ -> a list * a dataFormat -> ScTypes.types option -> a list * a dataFormat =
+ let add_elem: type a. a Data.typ -> a list * a Data.dataFormat -> ScTypes.types option -> a list * a Data.dataFormat =
begin fun type_of (result, format_of) next ->
let Result r = match next with
| Some x -> extract_value x
| None -> begin match type_of with
- | Num -> Result (Num (Number, (D.Num.nan)))
- | Bool -> Result (Bool false)
- | String -> Result (String (UTF8.empty))
- | List x -> Result (List ((default_format_for_type x), []))
- | Unit -> raise Errors.TypeError
+ | Data.Num -> Result (Data.Num (Data.Number, (D.Num.nan)))
+ | Data.Bool -> Result (Data.Bool false)
+ | Data.String -> Result (Data.String (UTF8.empty))
+ | Data.List x -> Result (Data.List ((Data.default_format_for_type x), []))
+ | Data.Unit -> raise Errors.TypeError
end in
- begin match compare_typ type_of (type_of_value r) with
+ begin match Data.compare_typ type_of (Data.type_of_value r) with
| T.Eq ->
- let l' = (get_value_content r)::result in
- l' , (most_generic_format (format_of_value r) format_of)
+ let l' = (Data.get_value_content r)::result in
+ l' , (Data.most_generic_format (Data.format_of_value r) format_of)
| _ -> raise Errors.TypeError
end in
(* Return the result for any expression as an ScTypes.types result *)
- let rec get_repr: type a. a value -> ScTypes.types = begin function
- | Bool b -> ScTypes.Bool b
- | Num (format, n) -> begin match format with
- | Number -> ScTypes.Num (D.Num.to_num n, None)
- | Date -> ScTypes.Date (D.Num.to_num n)
+ let rec get_repr: type a. a Data.value -> ScTypes.types = begin function
+ | Data.Bool b -> ScTypes.Bool b
+ | Data.Num (format, n) -> begin match format with
+ | Data.Number -> ScTypes.Num (D.Num.to_num n, None)
+ | Data.Date -> ScTypes.Date (D.Num.to_num n)
| _ -> raise Errors.TypeError (* This pattern could be refuted *)
- | String s -> ScTypes.Str s
- | List (t, l) ->
- List.hd l (* Extract the first element *)
- |> build_value t (* Convert it in boxed value *)
- |> get_repr (* Return it's representation *)
- | List2 (t, l) ->
- List.hd l (* Extract the first element *)
+ | Data.String s -> ScTypes.Str s
+ | Data.List (t, l) ->
+ List.hd l (* Extract the first element *)
+ |> Data.build_value t (* Convert it in boxed value *)
+ |> get_repr (* Return it's representation *)
+ | Data.List2 (t, l) ->
+ List.hd l (* Extract the first element *)
|> List.hd
- |> build_value t (* Convert it in boxed value *)
- |> get_repr (* Return it's representation *)
+ |> Data.build_value t (* Convert it in boxed value *)
+ |> get_repr (* Return it's representation *)
end in
(** Extract the value from an expression.
@@ -459,23 +341,23 @@ let repr mapper value = begin
| ScTypes.Refs.Array1 l ->
(* Guess the list type from it's first defined element *)
let Result r = extract_value (Tools.List.find_map (fun x -> x) l) in
- let format_of = format_of_value r in
- let type_of = type_of_value r in
+ let format_of = Data.format_of_value r in
+ let type_of = Data.type_of_value r in
(* Build the list with all the elements *)
let elems, format = List.fold_left (add_elem type_of) ([], format_of) l in
- Result (List (format, elems))
+ Result (Data.List (format, elems))
| ScTypes.Refs.Array2 l ->
(* Guess the list type from it's first defined element *)
let Result r = extract_value (Tools.List.find_map2 (fun x -> x) l) in
- let format_of = format_of_value r in
- let type_of = type_of_value r in
+ let format_of = Data.format_of_value r in
+ let type_of = Data.type_of_value r in
(* Build the list with all the elements *)
let elems, format = List.fold_left (fun (result, format_of) elems ->
let elems, format = List.fold_left (add_elem type_of) ([], format_of) elems in
- elems::result, (most_generic_format format_of format)
+ elems::result, (Data.most_generic_format format_of format)
) ([], format_of) l in
- Result (List2 (format, elems))
+ Result (Data.List2 (format, elems))
(* Evaluate the expression *)
@@ -491,12 +373,20 @@ let repr mapper value = begin
let wrap f =
- let old_catalog = !C.catalog in
+ let old_catalog = !catalog in
- (fun () -> C.catalog := C.Catalog.empty; f ())
- (fun () -> C.catalog := old_catalog)
+ (fun () -> catalog := C.empty; f ())
+ (fun () -> catalog := old_catalog)
(* Register the standard functions *)
+type 'a result = 'a Data.result
+let f_num: DataType.Num.t Data.result = Data.Numeric
+let f_date: DataType.Num.t Data.result = Data.Date
+let f_number: DataType.Num.t Data.result = Data.Number
+let f_string: DataType.String.t Data.result = Data.String
+let f_bool: DataType.Bool.t Data.result = Data.Bool
module MAKE(C: D.COMPARABLE) = struct
@@ -511,6 +401,12 @@ module MAKE(C: D.COMPARABLE) = struct
+type 'a typ = 'a Data.typ
+let t_bool: DataType.Bool.t typ = Data.Bool
+let t_int: DataType.Num.t typ = Data.Num
+let t_string: UTF8.t typ = Data.String
+let t_list (t: 'a typ): 'a list typ = Data.List t
(* Helper for list functions : reduce over a list of elements *)
let reduce name typ res f = begin
register1 name (t_list typ) res (fun x ->
@@ -531,6 +427,7 @@ end
let () = begin
let module CompareNum = MAKE(D.Num) in
+ Data.(
CompareNum.register t_int;
register0 "rand" f_number D.Num.rnd;
@@ -571,5 +468,6 @@ let () = begin
(Num.int_of_num @@ Num.floor_num @@ D.Num.to_num day)
|> D.Num.of_num
+ )