path: root/expressionLexer.mll
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2016-11-15 13:00:01 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2016-11-15 13:00:01 +0100
commitef312564ca84a2b49fc291434d8fb2f8501bb618 (patch)
tree79415fcf225e6da1042c8edaae5e4a74c7a983cb /expressionLexer.mll
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'expressionLexer.mll')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/expressionLexer.mll b/expressionLexer.mll
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57ef26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expressionLexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ open ExpressionParser
+ open Lexing
+ exception SyntaxError of string
+let digit = ['0'-'9']
+let real = digit+ '.'? | digit* '.' digit+
+let newline = "\r\n" | '\n' | '\r'
+let space = ['\t' ' '] | newline
+let letters = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']
+let text = letters | digit
+let cell = letters+ digit+
+rule read = parse
+ | space+ { read lexbuf }
+ | digit+ as _1 { NUM (_1, Num.num_of_string _1)}
+ | real as _1 { REAL(Tools.String.filter_float _1, Tools.Num.of_float_string _1)}
+ | '$' { DOLLAR }
+ | '=' { EQ }
+ | "<>" { NEQ }
+ | '<' { LT }
+ | "<=" { LE }
+ | '>' { GT }
+ | ">=" { GE }
+ | '*' { TIMES }
+ | '+' { PLUS }
+ | '-' { MINUS }
+ | '/' { DIVIDE }
+ | '"' { read_string (Buffer.create 17) lexbuf }
+ | ';' { SEMICOLON }
+ | ':' { COLON }
+ | '(' { LPAREN }
+ | ')' { RPAREN }
+ | '^' { POW }
+ | letters+ as _1 { LETTERS _1}
+ | '\000' { EOF }
+ | eof { EOF }
+and read_string buf = parse
+ | '"' { STR (Buffer.contents buf) }
+ | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; read_string buf lexbuf }
+ | [^ '"' '\\' '\000']+
+ { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+ read_string buf lexbuf
+ }
+ | '\000' { STR (Buffer.contents buf) }
+ | _ { raise (SyntaxError ("Illegal string character: " ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | eof { STR ( Buffer.contents buf) }
+and quoteless_string buf = parse
+ | '\\' '/' { Buffer.add_char buf '/'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' '\\' { Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'b' { Buffer.add_char buf '\b'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'f' { Buffer.add_char buf '\012'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'n' { Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 'r' { Buffer.add_char buf '\r'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' 't' { Buffer.add_char buf '\t'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char buf '"'; quoteless_string buf lexbuf }
+ | [^ '\\' '\000']+
+ { Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+ quoteless_string buf lexbuf
+ }
+ | '\000' { STR (Buffer.contents buf) }
+ | _ { raise (SyntaxError ("Illegal string character: " ^ Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | eof { STR (Buffer.contents buf) }