path: root/src/splay.ml
diff options
authorSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2017-11-24 09:22:24 +0100
committerSébastien Dailly <sebastien@chimrod.com>2017-11-24 09:23:38 +0100
commita6b5a6bdd138a5ccc6827bcc73580df1e9218820 (patch)
treeff577395c1a5951a61a7234322f927f6ead5ee29 /src/splay.ml
parentecb6fd62c275af03a07d892313ab3914d81cd40e (diff)
Moved all the code to src directory
Diffstat (limited to 'src/splay.ml')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/splay.ml b/src/splay.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec5750c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/splay.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+module type KEY = sig
+ type 'a t
+ val comp: 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) Tools.cmp
+ val repr: Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+module Make (El : KEY) = struct
+ type 'a elem = 'a El.t
+ type leaf (** Fantom type for typing the tree *)
+ type node (** Fantom type for typing the tree *)
+ type 'a treeVal =
+ | Leaf : leaf treeVal
+ | Node : _ treeVal * ('a elem * 'a) * _ treeVal -> node treeVal
+ type t = T : 'a treeVal ref -> t [@@unboxed]
+ let empty = T (ref Leaf)
+ let isEmpty (T tree) = match !tree with
+ | Leaf -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec splay : type a. a elem -> node treeVal -> node treeVal = fun x t -> begin
+ let Node (l, y, r) = t in
+ begin match El.comp x (fst y) with
+ | Tools.Eq -> t
+ | Tools.Lt ->
+ begin match l with
+ | Leaf -> t
+ | Node (ll, z, rr) ->
+ begin match El.comp x (fst z) with
+ | Tools.Eq -> Node (ll, z, Node (rr, y, r))
+ | Tools.Lt ->
+ begin match ll with
+ | Leaf -> Node (ll, z, Node (rr, y, r))
+ | Node _ as ll ->
+ let Node (newL, newV, newR) = splay x ll
+ in Node (newL, newV, Node (newR, z, Node (rr, y, r)))
+ end
+ | Tools.Gt ->
+ begin match rr with
+ | Leaf -> Node (ll, z, Node (rr, y, r))
+ | Node _ as rr ->
+ let Node (newL, newV, newR) = splay x rr
+ in Node (Node (ll, z, newL), newV, Node (newR, y, r))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ | Tools.Gt ->
+ begin match r with
+ | Leaf -> t
+ | Node (ll, z, rr) ->
+ begin match El.comp x (fst z) with
+ | Tools.Eq -> Node (Node (l, y, ll), z, rr)
+ | Tools.Lt ->
+ begin match ll with
+ | Leaf -> Node (Node (l, y, ll), z, rr)
+ | Node _ as ll ->
+ let Node (newL, newV, newR) = splay x ll
+ in Node (Node (l, y, newL), newV, Node (newR, z, rr))
+ end
+ | Tools.Gt ->
+ begin match rr with
+ | Leaf -> Node (Node (l, y, ll), z, rr)
+ | Node _ as rr ->
+ let Node (newL, newV, newR) = splay x rr
+ in Node (Node (Node(l, y, ll), z, newL), newV, newR)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let member: type a. a elem -> t -> bool = fun x (T t) -> match !t with
+ | Leaf -> false
+ | Node _ as root ->
+ let root' = splay x root in
+ t := root';
+ let Node (_, c', _) = root' in
+ begin match El.comp (fst c') x with
+ | Tools.Eq -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ end
+ let find: type a. a elem -> t -> a = fun x (T t) -> match !t with
+ | Leaf -> raise Not_found
+ | Node _ as root ->
+ let root' = splay x root in
+ t := root';
+ let Node (_, c', _) = root' in
+ begin match El.comp (fst c') x with
+ | Tools.Eq -> snd c'
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ end
+ let add: type a. a elem -> a -> t -> t = fun key value (T t) -> match !t with
+ | Leaf -> T (ref (Node (Leaf, (key, value), Leaf)))
+ | Node _ as root ->
+ let root' = splay key root in
+ let Node (l, y, r) = root' in
+ begin match El.comp key (fst y) with
+ | Tools.Eq -> T (ref root')
+ | Tools.Lt -> T (ref (Node (l, (key, value), Node (Leaf, y, r))))
+ | Tools.Gt -> T (ref (Node (Node (l, y, Leaf), (key, value), r)))
+ end
+ let repr formatter (T t) = begin
+ let repr_edge from formatter dest = begin
+ Format.fprintf formatter "\"%a\" -> \"%a\"\n"
+ El.repr from
+ El.repr dest
+ end in
+ let rec repr': type a b. a El.t -> Format.formatter -> b treeVal -> unit = fun parent formatter -> function
+ | Leaf -> ()
+ | Node (l, c, r) ->
+ let key = fst c in
+ Format.fprintf formatter "%a%a%a"
+ (repr_edge parent) key
+ (repr' key) l
+ (repr' key) r in
+ begin match !t with
+ | Leaf -> Format.fprintf formatter "digraph G {}"
+ | Node (l, c, r) ->
+ let key = fst c in
+ Format.fprintf formatter "digraph G {\n%a%a}"
+ (repr' key) l
+ (repr' key) r
+ end
+ end