path: root/readme.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'readme.rst')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/readme.rst b/readme.rst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a41c0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst -*-
+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+.. default-role:: code
+.. contents::
+licht requires ocaml >= 4.03 and ncurses
+.. code-block:: console
+ # sudo aptitude install opam libncures-dev libiconv-dev
+ $ opam install ocamlbuild curses camlzip ezxmlm ounit text menhir calendar
+ $ make
+Tester avec un encoding non UTF_8
+Lancement du terminal avec l'encoding
+.. code-block:: console
+ LANG=fr_FR.iso8859-1 xterm -en iso8859-1
+Définir l'encoding suivant :
+.. code-block:: console
+ export LC_ALL=fr_FR.iso8859-1
+Pour la définir avec rxvt :
+.. code-block:: console
+ export LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.ISO8859-1
+ export LANG=fr_FR.iso8859-1
+ printf "\33]701;$LC_CTYPE\007"
+You can switch between differents mode :
+Normal mode
+Allow edition and sheet modification
+======= ===========================
+Key Action
+======= ===========================
+**v** switch to `selection mode`_
+**:** Insert commands_
+**/** Search for a value
+**e** edit a cell content (`edition mode`_)
+**=** insert a formula (`edition mode`_)
+**y** yank a cell
+**p** paste a cell
+**DEL** delete a cell
+**u** undo the last action
+======= ===========================
+You can insert commands with the key `:` in `Normal mode`_
+=================== ======================================
+Command Action
+=================== ======================================
+**:enew** Start a new spreadsheet
+**:w** *filename* Save the file with the given name
+**:q** Quit the spreadsheet. (No confirmation will be asked if the
+ spreadsheet has been modified)
+=================== ======================================
+Selection mode
+In this mode, you can select and apply action to many cells. You can use arrow
+keys to extend the selection in any direction.
+========= =========================
+Key Action
+========= =========================
+**ESC** go back to `normal mode`_
+**y** yank the selection
+**DEL** delete the selection
+========= =========================
+Edition mode
+Use the arrows to insert a reference to an other cell.
+Data types
+Any value wich does not match the following types is considered as a string.
+You can enter a string in formula by enclosing it with a `"` (`="this a \"quote"`).
+Any numeric value can be written directly : `123`, `-.43`.
+Date are represented with this format `YYYY/MM/DD`. Any operation that can
+apply to Numeric can also by applied to Date.
+This type cannot be created directly. You can instead use the function `true()`
+and `false()` or comparaison operator.
+You can reference cells in the formulas
+Reference to a single cell
+You can reference a cell by naming it (`A1`, `B22`).
+The value for a reference to a single cell is the value of the pointed cell.
+(In case of cycle between differents cell the result is unspecified but it is
+garanted to not loop.)
+Yan can reference a range by naming the two bounds (`C6:A1`). The value is
+typed as a List.
+If a reference point to an an empty cell, the content will be interpreted as Undefined
+You can enter a formula by starting the value with `=`. The evaluation always
+expands the reference to other cells.
+Licht is provided with built-in functions.
+Generic comparaison
+Thoses function can be applied to any value, they will never raise error
+=============== ===============================
+Function Value
+=============== ===============================
+*x* `=` *y* True if *x* equals *y*
+*x* `<>` *y* True if *x* does not equals *y*
+=============== ===============================
+=============== ===============================
+Function Value
+=============== ===============================
+`true()` True
+`false()` False
+`not(Bool)` True if the parameter is False,
+ False if the parameter is True
+=============== ===============================
+In numeric functions, Undefined_ value are considered as `O`
+=================== =====================================
+Function Value
+=================== =====================================
+`sum(Numeric List)` Compute the sum of the list.
+*x* `+` *y* Add two values
+*x* `**` *y* Compute *x* ^ *y*
+=================== =====================================