path: root/src/odf/odf.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/odf/odf.ml')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/src/odf/odf.ml b/src/odf/odf.ml
index ae120d9..048be2e 100755
--- a/src/odf/odf.ml
+++ b/src/odf/odf.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-module Xml = Ezxmlm
module T = Tools
module NS = Odf_ns
@@ -6,125 +5,10 @@ let u = UTF8.from_utf8string
type t
-(** Map for storing all the attributes *)
-module AttributesMap = Map.Make (struct
- type t = string * string
- let compare = Pervasives.compare
-let get_attr map key = begin
- try Some (AttributesMap.find key map) with
- Not_found -> None
-let load_formula formula =
- let lineBuffer = Lexing.from_string formula in
- try
- Expression.Formula (
- Expression.Expression (
- Odf_ExpressionParser.value Odf_ExpressionLexer.read lineBuffer))
- with e ->
- print_endline formula;
- raise e
-let load_content content = begin function
- | "float" -> Expression.Basic (
- ScTypes.number (
- DataType.Num.of_float (float_of_string content)
- ))
- | "date" -> Expression.Basic (
- ScTypes.date (
- DataType.Num.of_float (float_of_string content)
- ))
- | _ -> Expression.Basic (
- ScTypes.string (
- UTF8.from_utf8string content))
-(** Load the content from a cell *)
-let load_cell sheet cell_num row_num changed (attrs, cell) = begin
- (* Load all the attributes from the xml element *)
- let add_attr map (key, value) = AttributesMap.add key value map in
- let attributes = List.fold_left add_attr AttributesMap.empty attrs in
- (* Check if the content is repeated *)
- let repetition = match get_attr attributes NS.number_columns_repeat_attr with
- | None -> 1
- | Some x -> int_of_string x
- (* cell width *)
- and cell_width = match get_attr attributes NS.number_columns_spanned_attr with
- | None -> 1
- | Some x -> int_of_string x in
- let vtype =
- try List.assoc NS.ovalue_type_attr attrs
- with Not_found -> "" in
- let formula = get_attr attributes NS.formula_attr
- and value = get_attr attributes NS.value_attr in
- let expression, update = begin match formula, value with
- | Some x, _ -> load_formula x, true
- | _, Some x ->
- (load_content x vtype) , true
- | _ ->
- begin try
- Xml.member "p" cell
- |> Xml.data_to_string
- |> fun x -> (load_content x vtype, true)
- with Xml.Tag_not_found _ -> Expression.Undefined, false
- end
- end in
- if update then (
- for i = 1 to repetition do
- cell_num := !cell_num + cell_width;
- sheet := snd @@ Sheet.Raw.add (!cell_num, !row_num) (Expression.load_expr expression) !sheet
- done
- ) else (
- cell_num := !cell_num + (repetition * cell_width )
- );
- changed || update
-let load_row sheet row_num (attrs, row) = begin
- let repetition =
- try int_of_string @@ List.assoc (NS.table, "number-rows-repeated") attrs
- with Not_found -> 1 in
- let cells = Xml.members_with_attr "table-cell" row in
- try
- for i = 1 to repetition do
- incr row_num;
- let cell_num = ref 0 in
- if not (List.fold_left (load_cell sheet cell_num row_num) false cells) then
- (* No changes on the whole row. Do not repeat, and break the loop *)
- raise Not_found
- done
- with Not_found -> row_num := !row_num + repetition - 1
let load_xml input = begin
- let sheet = ref Sheet.Raw.empty in
- let row_num = ref 0 in
- let xml =
- Xmlm.make_input ~enc:(Some `UTF_8) (`Channel input)
- |> Xml.from_input
- |> snd in
- let rows = Xml.member "document-content" (xml::[])
- |> Xml.member "body"
- |> Xml.member "spreadsheet"
- |> Xml.member "table"
- |> Xml.members_with_attr "table-row" in
- List.iter (fun x -> (load_row sheet row_num) x) rows;
- !sheet
+ let source = Xmlm.make_input ~enc:(Some `UTF_8) (`Channel input) in
+ let sheet = OdfLoader.load source in
+ sheet