path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 269 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tests/sheet_test.ml b/tests/sheet_test.ml
index 9218134..3960c4b 100755
--- a/tests/sheet_test.ml
+++ b/tests/sheet_test.ml
@@ -66,6 +66,22 @@ let test_create_direct_cycle ctx = begin
+(** Overide the value after a cycle. *)
+let test_recover_from_cycle ctx = begin
+ let s = Sheet.Raw.empty
+ |> Sheet.Raw.add (2,2) @@ Expression.load @@ u"=B2 + 1"
+ |> snd |> Sheet.Raw.add (2,2) @@ Expression.load @@ u"=6"
+ |> snd in
+ let result = (Sheet.Raw.get_value (2, 2) s) in
+ let expected = Some (ScTypes.Result (build_num (6))) in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg:(_msg ~expected ~result)
+ expected
+ result
let test_create_indirect_cycle ctx = begin
let s = Sheet.Raw.empty
@@ -160,13 +176,57 @@ let test_update_succs2 ctx = begin
+let test_paste_undo ctx = begin
+ let empty = Sheet.create Sheet.Raw.empty in
+ (* The expected result for the whole test *)
+ let expected = Some (ScTypes.Result (ScTypes.number (DataType.Num.of_int 6))) in
+ let sheet = empty
+ |> Tools.Option.test @@ Sheet.move (Actions.Absolute (2, 1))
+ |> Sheet.add (Expression.load @@ u"=6")
+ |> snd
+ |> Tools.Option.test @@ Sheet.move (Actions.Absolute (1, 1))
+ |> Sheet.add (Expression.load @@ u"=B1")
+ |> snd in
+ let result = Sheet.Raw.get_value (1, 1) sheet.Sheet.data in
+ (* Ensure the value is correctly evaluated *)
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg:(_msg ~expected ~result)
+ expected
+ result;
+ let sheet2 =
+ (* Copy the cell *)
+ fst @@ Sheet.yank sheet
+ |> Tools.Option.test @@ Sheet.move (Actions.Absolute (2, 1))
+ (* Paste it on another value *)
+ |> Sheet.paste
+ |> fst
+ (* Undo the paste *)
+ |> Tools.Option.test @@ Sheet.undo in
+ let result = Sheet.Raw.get_value (1, 1) sheet2.Sheet.data in
+ (* The value should be the same as the first evaluation *)
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg:(_msg ~expected ~result)
+ expected
+ result
let tests = "sheet_test">::: [
- "test_ref1" >:: test_create_ref_1;
- "test_ref2" >:: test_create_ref_2;
- "test_cycle1" >:: test_create_direct_cycle;
- "test_cycle2" >:: test_create_indirect_cycle;
- "test_cycle3" >:: test_check_cycle3;
- "test_delete" >:: test_delete;
- "test_update_succs1" >:: test_update_succs1;
- "test_update_succs2" >:: test_update_succs2;
+ "test_ref1" >:: test_create_ref_1;
+ "test_ref2" >:: test_create_ref_2;
+ "test_cycle1" >:: test_create_direct_cycle;
+ "test_recover_cycle" >:: test_recover_from_cycle;
+ "test_cycle2" >:: test_create_indirect_cycle;
+ "test_cycle3" >:: test_check_cycle3;
+ "test_delete" >:: test_delete;
+ "test_update_succs1" >:: test_update_succs1;
+ "test_update_succs2" >:: test_update_succs2;
+ "test_paste_undo" >:: test_paste_undo;
diff --git a/tests/test.ml b/tests/test.ml
index 2d881ca..ee71cb0 100755
--- a/tests/test.ml
+++ b/tests/test.ml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ let () =
+ Splay_test.tests;
in OUnit2.run_test_tt_main tests
diff --git a/tests/tree/splay_test.ml b/tests/tree/splay_test.ml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f5fa96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tree/splay_test.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+open OUnit2
+(** Module for the keys *)
+module K = struct
+ type 'a t = Int : int -> int t [@@unboxed]
+ let comp:type a b. a t -> b t -> (a, b) Tools.cmp = fun a b -> begin
+ match a, b with Int a, Int b ->
+ if a < b then
+ Tools.Lt
+ else if a > b then
+ Tools.Gt
+ else
+ Tools.Eq
+ end
+ let repr: type a. Format.formatter -> a t -> unit = fun formatter (Int a) ->
+ Format.fprintf formatter "%d" a
+module SplayTest = Splay.Make(K)
+let test_add ctx = begin
+ let tree =
+ SplayTest.empty
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1)
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1 in
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ SplayTest.repr formatter tree;
+ let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ let expected = "digraph G {\n\
+ \"4\" -> \"3\"\n\
+ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\
+ \"4\" -> \"5\"\n\
+ }" in
+ let result = str in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg
+ expected
+ result
+let test_removeLeaf ctx = begin
+ let tree =
+ SplayTest.empty
+ |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 4)
+ in
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ SplayTest.repr formatter tree;
+ let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ let expected = "digraph G {}" in
+ let result = str in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg
+ expected
+ result
+let test_removeTop ctx = begin
+ let tree =
+ SplayTest.empty
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1)
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1
+ |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 4)
+ in
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ SplayTest.repr formatter tree;
+ let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ let expected = "digraph G {\n\
+ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\
+ \"3\" -> \"5\"\n\
+ }" in
+ let result = str in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg
+ expected
+ result
+let test_removeLeft ctx = begin
+ let tree =
+ SplayTest.empty
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1)
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1
+ |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 3)
+ in
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ SplayTest.repr formatter tree;
+ let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ let expected = "digraph G {\n\
+ \"1\" -> \"4\"\n\
+ \"4\" -> \"5\"\n\
+ }" in
+ let result = str in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg
+ expected
+ result
+(** Remove a value not present in the tree.
+ The tree shall be rebalanced. *)
+let test_removeOutMax ctx = begin
+ let tree =
+ SplayTest.empty
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1)
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1
+ |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 6)
+ in
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ SplayTest.repr formatter tree;
+ let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ let expected = "digraph G {\n\
+ \"5\" -> \"4\"\n\
+ \"4\" -> \"3\"\n\
+ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\
+ }" in
+ let result = str in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg
+ expected
+ result
+(** Remove the maximum value in the tree *)
+let test_removeMax ctx = begin
+ let tree =
+ SplayTest.empty
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 1) (-1)
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 3) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 5) 2
+ |> SplayTest.add (K.Int 4) 1
+ |> SplayTest.remove (K.Int 5)
+ in
+ let formatter = Format.str_formatter in
+ SplayTest.repr formatter tree;
+ let str = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+ let expected = "digraph G {\n\
+ \"4\" -> \"3\"\n\
+ \"3\" -> \"1\"\n\
+ }" in
+ let result = str in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Expected %s, but got %s." expected result in
+ assert_equal
+ ~msg
+ expected
+ result
+let tests = "splay_test">::: [
+ "add" >:: test_add;
+ "removeLeaf" >:: test_removeLeaf;
+ "removeTop" >:: test_removeTop;
+ "removeLeft" >:: test_removeLeft;
+ "removeMax" >:: test_removeMax;
+ "removeOutMax" >:: test_removeOutMax;