path: root/tools.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools.ml')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/tools.ml b/tools.ml
index 1e0e1c4..0cf8fe6 100755
--- a/tools.ml
+++ b/tools.ml
@@ -75,6 +75,30 @@ module Num = struct
with Not_found -> Num.num_of_string a
+ let of_float f = begin
+ match classify_float f with
+ | FP_normal
+ | FP_subnormal ->
+ let x,e = frexp f in
+ let n,e =
+ Big_int.big_int_of_int64 (Int64.of_float (ldexp x 52)),
+ (e-52)
+ in
+ if e >= 0 then
+ Big_int (Big_int.shift_left_big_int n e)
+ else
+ Num.div_num
+ (Big_int n)
+ (Big_int Big_int.(shift_left_big_int unit_big_int ~-e))
+ | FP_zero -> Num.num_of_int 0
+ | FP_nan -> Num.div_num (Num.num_of_int 0) (Num.num_of_int 0)
+ | FP_infinite ->
+ if f >= 0. then
+ Num.div_num (Num.num_of_int 1) (Num.num_of_int 0)
+ else
+ Num.div_num (Num.num_of_int (-1)) (Num.num_of_int 0)
+ end
module List = struct
@@ -101,6 +125,36 @@ module List = struct
UTF8.Buffer.add_string buffer last
+ let rec findOpt p = begin function
+ | [] -> None
+ | x::l ->
+ if p x then
+ Some(x)
+ else
+ findOpt p l
+ end
+ and find2 p = begin function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | x::l ->
+ begin match findOpt p x with
+ | None -> find2 p l
+ | Some x -> x
+ end
+ end
+ (** Convert the list [l] as an array *)
+ let to_array l = begin
+ let elems = ref l in
+ let build = fun _ ->
+ begin match (!elems) with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | hd::tl ->
+ elems := tl;
+ hd
+ end
+ in Array.init (List.length l) build
+ end
@@ -152,25 +206,6 @@ module Tuple3 = struct
let replace3 v (a, b, c) = (a, b, v)
-module Locale = struct
- type locale =
- | LC_ALL
- external set: locale -> string -> string = "c_set_locale"
- external length: string -> int = "c_length"
module NCurses = struct
type mouse_event =
@@ -215,16 +250,50 @@ module Date = struct
type t = Num.num
let get_julian_day year month day = begin
- CalendarLib.Date.make year month day
- |> CalendarLib.Date.to_jd
+ let y, m =
+ if month > 2 then
+ year, month
+ else
+ year - 1, month + 12
+ in
+ let b =
+ if (year > 1582) || (year = 1582 && month > 10) || (year = 1582 && month = 10 && day >= 15) then
+ let s = y / 100 in
+ 2 - s + (s / 4)
+ else
+ 0
+ in
+ 365 * y + y / 4
+ + (int_of_float (30.6001 *. (float_of_int (m + 1))))
+ + day
+ + b
+ + 1720995
+(* + 2415019 (* Shift to 30/12/1899 *) *)
|> Num.num_of_int
- let date_from_julian_day j = begin
- let date = CalendarLib.Date.from_jd (Num.int_of_num @@ Num.floor_num j) in
- (CalendarLib.Date.year date),
- (CalendarLib.Date.int_of_month @@ CalendarLib.Date.month date),
- (CalendarLib.Date.day_of_month date)
+ let date_from_julian_day day = begin
+ let z = Num.int_of_num (Num.floor_num day) in
+ let f =
+ if z >= 2299161 then
+ (* We use the Num module here to prevent overflow *)
+ let day' = Num.(((num_of_int 4) */ day +/ (num_of_int 274277)) // (num_of_int 146097))
+ |> Num.floor_num
+ |> Num.int_of_num in
+ z + 1401 + ((day' * 3) / 4) - 38
+ else
+ z + 1401
+ in
+ let e = (4 * f) + 3 in
+ let h = 5 * ((e mod 1461) / 4) + 2 in (* 1461 is 365.25 * 4 *)
+ let d = ((h mod 153) / 5) + 1
+ and m = (((h / 153) + 2) mod 12) + 1 in
+ let y = (e / 1461) - 4716 + (14 - m) / 12 in (* 4716 is day 2 *)
+ (y, m, d)
let time_from_julian_day j = begin Num.(
@@ -286,3 +355,139 @@ let try_finally f except =
with e ->
except ();
raise e
+type (_,_) cmp =
+ | Eq : ('a,'a) cmp
+ | Lt : ('a,'b) cmp
+ | Gt : ('a,'b) cmp
+(** Existencial type for comparing two types.
+ This type has no utility, except for structural comparison between two
+ values.
+ *)
+type existencial = Ex: 'a -> existencial
+module type COMPARABLE_TYPE = sig
+ type 'a t
+ val eq: 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) cmp
+module ArrayMap(Ord: COMPARABLE_TYPE) = struct
+ type 'a key = 'a Ord.t
+ type t = Val : ('a key * 'a) array -> t
+ let find: type a. a key -> t -> a = begin fun k (Val map) ->
+ let rec find_ idx : a = begin
+ let x, v = Array.get map idx in
+ match Ord.eq x k with
+ | Eq -> v
+ | Lt -> find_ ((2 * idx) + 1)
+ | Gt -> find_ ((2 * idx) + 2)
+ end in
+ find_ 0
+ end
+ let from_list l = begin
+ let compare (key_x, _) (key_y, _) = match Ord.eq key_x key_y with
+ | Eq -> 0
+ | Lt -> -1
+ | Gt -> 1
+ in
+ let arr = List.to_array l in
+ Array.sort compare arr;
+ Val arr
+ end
+(** Map for any comparable value.
+ This map can bind 'a key -> 'a value as long as the key are comparable.
+ *)
+module Map(Ord: COMPARABLE_TYPE) = struct
+ type 'a key = 'a Ord.t
+ type t =
+ | Empty : t
+ | Node : t * 'a key * 'a * t * int -> t
+ let singleton x d = Node(Empty, x, d, Empty, 1)
+ let empty = Empty
+ let is_empty = function
+ | Empty -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let height = function
+ | Empty -> 0
+ | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h
+ let create l x d r =
+ let hl = height l and hr = height r in
+ Node(l, x, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ let bal l x d r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ if hl > hr + 2 then begin
+ match l with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(ll, lv, ld, lr, _) ->
+ if height ll >= height lr then
+ create ll lv ld (create lr x d r)
+ else begin
+ match lr with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(lrl, lrv, lrd, lrr, _)->
+ create (create ll lv ld lrl) lrv lrd (create lrr x d r)
+ end
+ end else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
+ match r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(rl, rv, rd, rr, _) ->
+ if height rr >= height rl then
+ create (create l x d rl) rv rd rr
+ else begin
+ match rl with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(rll, rlv, rld, rlr, _) ->
+ create (create l x d rll) rlv rld (create rlr rv rd rr)
+ end
+ end else
+ Node(l, x, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ let rec add: type a. a key -> a -> t -> t = begin fun x data t -> match t with
+ | Empty -> Node(Empty, x, data, Empty, 1)
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) ->
+ match Ord.eq x v with
+ | Eq -> Node(l, x, data, r, h)
+ | Lt -> bal (add x data l) v d r
+ | Gt -> bal l v d (add x data r)
+ end
+ let rec find: type a. a key -> t -> a = begin fun x t -> match t with
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Node(l, k, v, r, _) ->
+ match Ord.eq x k with
+ | Eq -> v
+ | Lt -> find x l
+ | Gt -> find x r
+ end
+ let rec mem: type a. a key -> t -> bool = begin fun x t -> match t with
+ | Empty -> false
+ | Node(l, k, v, r, _) ->
+ match Ord.eq x k with
+ | Eq -> true
+ | Lt -> mem x l
+ | Gt -> mem x r
+ end